

Abū ‘Abd Allāh Ja’far ibn Muḥammad al-Rūdhakī

(Persian: ابوعبدالله جعفر بن محمد رودکی‎; born c. 859, Rudaki, Khorasan—died 940/941), better known as Rudaki (رودکی), and also known as “Adam of Poets” (آدم‌الشعرا), was a Persian poet regarded as the first great literary genius of the Modern Persian language.

Rudaki composed poems in the‌ modern Persian alphabet and is considered a founder of classical Persian literature. His poetry contains many of the oldest genres of Persian poetry including the quatrainhowever, only a small percentage of his extensive poetry has survived. As it seems, Rudaki was the first person to combine different roles that were yet distinguishable entitles in the 9th century royal court: musician, poet and declaimer/reciter, and copyist.

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