Bu Geç Vakit pomes and translation

Bu Geç Vakit

Farsi, Turkish

Lyrics: Mehdi Akhavan Sales, Nazim Hikmat


Farsi poem

به دیدارم بیا هر شب، در این تنهایی ِ تنها و تاریک ِ خدا مانند

دلم تنگ است

Come, visit me, every night. In this loneliness, lonely and dark like (the abode of) God.
My heart is desperate for you
بیا ای روشن، ای روشن‌تر از لبخند

دلم تنگ است

Come, O you who are brighter than a smile
My heart is desperate for you

بیا بنگر، چه غمگین و غریبانه

بیا ای همگناه ِ من درین برزخ

دلم تنگ است

Come, look at the sad and lonely stranger
Come to this purgatory, O my partner-in-crime!
My heart is desperate for you

شب افتاده ست و در تالاب ِ من دیری ست

بیا امشب که بس تاریک و تن‌هایم

The night has fallen, and it’s too late in my pond
Come tonight for I am feeling very dark and lonely

بیا ای روشنی، اما بپوشان روی

که می‌ترسم که میترسم، ترا خورشید پندارند

O bright light, come, but conceal your face
For I am afraid they may mistake you for the sun

و می‌ترسم همه از خواب برخیزند

دلم تنگ است

دلم تنگ است

بیا بنگر

نمی‌خواهم ببیند هیچ کس – ما را

And I am afraid everyone will wake up from sleep

I am desperate for you
I am desperate for you
Come, look!
I don’t want anyone to see us.


بیا ای مهربان با من

بیا ای یاد مهتابی

Come to me, O benevolent one!
Come, O you remind me of the moonlight!

که اینان زود می‌پوشند رو در خواب‌های بی گناهی‌ها

و من می‌مانم و بیداد بی خوابی

For they will soon be engrossed in the dreams of the innocent
While I will stay awake from insomnia


دلم تنگ است

دلم تنگ است

بیا بنگر

نمی‌خواهم ببیند هیچ کس – ما را

I am desperate for you
I am desperate for you
Come, look!
I don’t want anyone to see us.



Turkish poem

– Bu geç vakit, bu sonbahar gecesinde,  kelimelerinle doluyum;

-Zaman gibi, madde gibi ebedî,

-Göz gibi çıplak, el gibi ağır

-Ve yıldızlar gibi pırıl pırıl kelimeler.

At this late hour, on this autumn night, i miss your word

Eternal, like time, like matter

Naked, like an eye, heavy, like a hand

Words which sparkle, like stars


-Kelimelerin geldiler bana

-Yüreğinden, kafandan, etindendiler

-Kelimelerin getirdiler seni,

-Onlar : ana,

-Onlar : kadın

-Ve yoldaş olan…

Your words came to me

from your heart

your head

your body

Your words delivered you





-Mahzundular, acıydılar, sevinçli, umutlu, kahramandılar,

-Kelimelerin insandılar…

Your words were sad, they were bitter, hopeful, heroic

Your words were human


-Zaman gibi, madde gibi ebedî

like time, like matter




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